Mediumship Development Level 2 Testimonials

What students are saying about Mediumship Development Level 2:

Pat Shipton says:
May 29, 2014 at 9:27 am
Well, what can I say about this level of Mediumship Development! The first this is, it’s not easy, but anything worth doing rarely is. Michelle moves up a gear in this level, teaching us how to connect to another persons energy. There were many exercises, both pre-course and during the course. At times I thought I would never make it, and it was during those times that Michelle worked so hard for me. My own fears and self doubts were calmly and lovingly talked through with me. I was pushed out of my comfort zone a few times, but that is how I learned, and unless I was willing to try then I was not going to progress. I have progressed, and am looking forward now to level 3.
If you are at interested in developing your own ability, then look no further than Michelle. You will learn the right way…not the fast way. I can’t speak highly enough of Michelle and her wonderful guides. Always on hand with reassurance and advice, and I am now where I want to be. I learn with honour, humility and passion. Why don’t you do the same.


 Jessica Bailey says:
June 9, 2014 at 3:28 pm
I enjoyed this level of mediumship development so much! I learnt so much during this level, building on what I had already learnt in Level 1 and the Spirit Guides course. The classes and the homework was edging us ever nearer to our last exciting class. Its amazing how far I came in the 8 weeks and looking back to what I was capable of at the end of level 1 to the end of level 2 is amazing. This was due the amount of time and effort that Michelle invested in us all. Michelle is always on hand for any questions and to help you when you are out of your comfort zone. I resonate with all of Michelle’s teachings and find her very knowledgeable and so easy to learn from. Michelle believes in everyone in the class and even though we all went through our own times of self doubt during the course, she stood firm and helped us to carry on.
I would recommend Michelle and her courses to anyone! I am so looking forward to Level 3 and would not want to learn with anyone else.


 Naomi Shaw says:
June 14, 2014 at 3:19 pm
I have been developing my Mediumship ability for quite some time now & I have to honestly say that no words can express how much Michelle & her guides have helped me! She is a patient loving teacher who works very closely with you to help what you need or what you are going through on your path towards becoming a Medium. I have come across many teachers who have each played a part in my development but I know that right now as everything is falling into place for me there is no other teacher I would want to have other then Michelle. She just inspires me as a person & a Medium! I have gained the confidence to use my ability to do live readings and bring through loving messages for people. I did Michelle’s Spirit Guides course where I honestly learnt and got to meet all my inner band guides individually whereas before I worked with them as a team so now I have a more personal relationship with them. I took Michelle’s Mediumship Development course 1 & 2 which I highly recommend to anyone wanting to develop their ability. I am excited for level 3! Thanks Michelle your the best!


 June Noble says:
June 14, 2014 at 4:32 pm
This level is much more challenging than level 1 of Michelle’s courses, however it is worth being pushed out of your comfort zone to realise what you can do by the end of this course. It is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, of doubts and confidence but, in the end, you’ll feel it was all worth it as you will find out things about yourself that you didn’t think possible. Michelle, as usual, is always there to talk you off the edge of the cliff and to praise and guide when needed as well as being the marvellous teacher that she is. If you’ve done level 1, then do level 2. You won’t regret it.


 Claire Robertson says:
June 17, 2014 at 7:26 pm
I have just finished level 2 and for me has been the hardest one so far. I was completely pushed out of my comfort zone but luckily Michelle was there for me every step of the way, encouraging me all the way. Even when I had no belief in myself Michelle always did. This level is full of practical and challenging exercises but you have to be prepared to work hard but it will pay off. And again it is a path of self discovery, I’m still finding stuff about myself


Giovanna Rossing January 3. 2020
Through The Spirit Guided Path, I have participated in Open Circles, Spirit Guides Course, Mediumship Development Levels 1 and 2; and private mentoring. Through it all, Michelle is a compassionate mentor and teacher who connects with you on a personal level.

Michelle encourages you through the training by understanding your individual abilities, goals, and challenges. She provides detailed course work that supports the dedication that one is to have in this type of development.

Once you have completed your courses, Michelle continues to be a confidant that guides and encourages you throughout your spiritual development journey. I am honoured to have Michelle as a mentor and on my path of spiritual growth.

January 6, 2020
Marci Sealey
Level Two review

I’ve taken a succession of Michelle’s classes and as always they build upon the last series that I’ve attended. Her classes makes sense as each fits together well and like always is well thought out. Michele in her humbleness says that her classes are spirit directed and so well put together that they fit together like an intelligent puzzle. I came into this level 2 , three years ago, like anyone with apprehension as Michelle has us taking our skills to a higher level. Part of this is the overcoming of some of the emotional obstacles that get in the way of doing readings. Her kindness and gentle direction give us that added boost to trust our team of spirit guides so that we can be the best reader we need to be. The classes in level 2 are set over a 5 weeks and take the reader from live web chats, voice chats and than Skype sessions. Every session is monitored and she provides that needed direction if you feel that your having a difficult reading. After each session we go over what we experience, what we learned and what we can do differently the next time. Michelle provides her students with the encouragement to set those goals and address some of our fears. She provides realistic information on how to deal with different types of sitters and the energy we may experience and how to deal with these situations.

As a medium, Michelle has a set of standards which are based on integrity,  honesty and a humbleness to assist others. She wants to impart these standards on her students so they have a confidence, in providing a high standard of readings. I truly enjoyed this level two course. Thank you Michelle for your insight and guidance as I’ve traveled on my mediumship journey.


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