Information About Readings

~ It is highly recommended that you do not schedule a mediumship reading less than 4-6 months after enduring a significant loss. It is not because loved ones wouldn’t be able to connect, but rather that when done too soon, the healing process in this world may be hindered. If a connection takes place before there has been some time to begin processing all that has transpired, it can prevent the sitter from fully engaging in their grieving process. The whole point of mediumship is to assist you on your healing journey, so please take this into consideration before booking a reading. If you need grief supports, or would like a free 20 minute phone or Zoom call with Michelle to receive resources and support, please let her know!

~ Readings can be a very spiritual and emotional experience. Please do not consume alcohol or drugs prior to your reading, as this can affect your energy. You are welcome to record your reading on your phone, or take notes.

~ You can expect to be connected with loved ones who have passed, as well as your own spirit guides. However, please let spirit lead the reading, as when the sitter (the person receiving the reading) attempts to control the conversation the connection with spirit could weaken. You will have time at the end to ask any questions about your path that has not already come up in conversation, or to ask for a specific loved one to come forward if they have not done so by that point. There can be no guarantees about whom will come forward, but generally speaking your loved ones are just as excited as you are to visit and they will make the effort to do so!

~ Enter the reading with an open mind and a loving heart. It is ok to be skeptical, but if you refuse entirely to accept any message that is given to you, then your reading will not be the positive experience we want it to be! Do ask questions if you are unsure about the spirit or message coming through, and be patient while the medium connects – communicating with spirit is not at all like how we communicate in the physical world and your energy matters just as much for a strong connection to be made.

~ Michelle will not predict when asked regarding pregnancy, fertility, medical problems, legal or financial issues, or anything that would be considered as interfering with your path or another’s path. She will not connect with others in the physical world by request, as they have not given her permission to do so. If medical or financial information comes through from spirit you must remember that at no point should you ever take medical or legal advice from a medium. The guidance or suggestions brought to you from spirit is for you to follow up with a medical and/or legal professional, and Michelle is not responsible for this information.

~ It is important to also note the Michelle is a spiritual medium and not a fortune teller. A medium is a person in the physical world who can connect with the spirit world – if something about the upcoming months/years does come up, it should be regarded as possibility, not fact. We have free will, and it is entirely up to you what you will do with the information you are given.

What Else You Should Know About Readings

~ You must be 18 and over to receive a reading; and despite the spiritual nature of the experience, the reading should be considered for entertainment purposes.

~ If you have to reschedule your reading, please give Michelle at least 24 hours notice.

~ If you purchase a reading via PayPal, please contact Michelle to schedule your session or include your email address when paying so you can be contacted.

~ The wait time for a reading depends on your availability. Generally, most wait 2-4 weeks, and you can request to be placed on the cancellation list.

~ Lastly, relax and enjoy! Your loved ones and spirit guides are just as excited to make contact with you, and this should be a loving, joyful, and healing experience for everyone.

© 2024 The Spirit Guided Path