Mediumship Development Level 1 Testimonials

What students are saying about Mediumship Development Level 1:

June Noble says:
February 3, 2014 at 1:49 am
If you’ve always had that gut feeling and an instinct of knowing things before they happen, then this course is for you. Michelle is an awesome teacher and will safely and clearly guide you to understanding your abilities. At the same time, you’ll have lots of fun, meet like minded people who will become good friends, have a place to chat about all your fears, doubts and exhilarations!
This is an informative, fun, interactive, well taught course which will develop those feelings and instincts in a safe environment and will change your life forever. I can’t recommend it enough.

Pat Shipton says:
February 3, 2014 at 12:09 pm
If you want to learn how to be a medium, look no further. This is a safe environment with no ego’s and all lessons are taught with the highest integrity and reverance. I have learned so much from Michelle, she is quite frankly the best teacher and mentor I have ever come across. I will be moving forward to level 2 as this course has become a part of my life and shown me the way to be a much better person. I really cannot give high enough praise and really would urge you to give this a go, you will gain so much.


 Sonja Kloberdans says:
February 3, 2014 at 5:09 pm
I have to say for me, this class has so helped me find more out about my self and how to cope with certain things I have to learn to deal with and more. The challenges i face will be easier and I will understand better now through this class. I did this more for self improvement then any thing. Michelle is a wonderful teacher . She teaching with so much care and love and she shows you all asspects of what it is she is trying to get across. She has amazing assignments for your home work and also helps to use that intuition a lot more. The class is fun as well as the home work. I so looked forward to each class. She just has a way of teaching like no other. Not that I have had this class before .But I have had classes through others. I like the way she puts things out there. She leaves no one behind. And she makes sure you understand all she is trying to teach and will make sure you do before going on. She is there for you and any questions what ever any time .She always gets back to you. She covers every thing . I love this and the way she does her class. She shows you from her own experiences , and her heart and she is just an awesome teacher and knows just what we need, I enjoyed her class and will be taking more through her. I know I will get what I need .

I love you Michelle and I so thank you for all you do for me and for others. Your a beautiful soul and awesome teacher , friend and I learned so much from you. I still have far to go and I will . But I learned a lot in the 6 classes from you. Then I would have if not taken this class. I so thank you for that .And look forward to more with you. I so want to move forward to Level two. But I will be waiting . I’m dealing with things at home right now and just do not have the time to give it my all. But when i can .I will be there for sure. I look forward to it. Sonja Kloberdans


 Claire Robertson says:
February 9, 2014 at 3:36 am
This is my second course with Michelle and again I am so very glad my path found Michelle. She is without doubt the best teacher I have ever known. Not only does Michelle make it all fun, you know you are completely safe and at no point are you left feeling confused as Michelle has a unique way of teaching. For me it’s not just a course on mediumship it is a journey of self discovery and self awareness, learning to read is the icing on the cake. Michelle has tegrity, knowledge and passion and kindness radiates from her. I am a much better person for knowing Michelle and I cannot wait to move on to level 2.

Debbie Condon says:
February 11, 2014 at 6:29 am
This course was the perfect introduction for building knowledge and confidence in how the process towards Mediumship works. Michelle is a wonderful, competent, ethical and patient teacher. The classes are fun because she tailors them specially for her students and there is full participation. by everyone. I never left class without full comprehension of the subject matter because Medium Michelle style is thorough with coursebook, examples, exercises, discussion room and homework. Her availability between each class is exemplary and her dedication to each student is evident. This is a life changing course, that opens minds and doors, not only on the subject matter, but of yourself. This course, in my opinion, is essential for proper individual development towards Mediumship.


 H. Ingram says:
February 24, 2014 at 5:48 pm
I attended this course not knowing what to expect and was a bit trepidatious. All fears were alleviated even before the course began! Michelle is warm, welcoming and knowledgable. Her patience and commitment shine through in every class and she has the ability to draw out the very best of you. Her confidence in me enabled me to complete the exercises successfully and gain real, profound insight into the spirit world. A life-changing course for me.

Siu-Fung Lee says:
March 19, 2014 at 4:04 pm
This was a great follow up to the Spirit Guides course. Michelle is a natural teacher. I learned many things about the nature of spirits and myself. Learning more about spirits and spiritual energy really helped expand my sense of awareness and gave me new insights into people. Perhaps it was not as profound as the Spirit Guides course, since it was all new to me at the time, but this course helped me better understand and answer some of the “unknowable” questions I had been seeking. Many thanks to Michelle once again!


 Christie Ingram says:
March 19, 2014 at 5:47 pm
Michelle’s Mediumship Level Development 1 is the ideal course to take after you have taken her Spirit Guides course. Michelle’s method of teaching Mediumship is to slowly work your way through the process so by the time you are ready to give readings you are a fully trained and ethical medium. There were so many great exercises in this class, so we could start to really feel our connections to Spirit. This is an ideal course for beginners, looking to grow into mediumship. Michelle made us feel safe and secure the entire time and she and her team of Spirit Guides knew exactly what we needed to flourish. If you are looking for a supportive environment to explore mediumship, I cannot recommend this course enough. I am so looking forward to continuing our studies in Level 2. Thank you Michelle, you are an incredible teacher and guide <3


Linda Frank
There are a number of people teaching mediumship out there. I wouldn’t trade the whole lot of them for Michelle Stokotelny. Michelle is a highly skilled medium who holds herself to the most rigorous standards in her readings and she is everything you could possibly hope for in a teacher. She prepares her students thoroughly and meticulously, long before she begins to teach about how to receive information from spirit. At each carefully and skillfully planned step, Michelle guides a student through the next aspect of development. Her ethical standards are beyond reproach and she instills these standards in her students. But what is so beautiful about working with Michelle is that she cares so genuinely about her students and the progress that they are making. She is demanding, but in the most loving and gentle way, and she inspires confidence at every turn. She manages to make this daunting study a thrilling experience that promotes not only connection with Spirit, but also deep, personal, spiritual growth. One of the truly unique things about working with Michelle is the beautiful relationship that she has with her own spirit guides. By example, she (and they!) teach the developing medium to appreciate the incredible relationship and loving assistance that one’s own spirit guides provide. My gratitude to her and to her “team” is immeasurable.


Bobbie Bailey
If you’re wanting to develop mediumship abilities and to have a teacher who will always be kind and honest and give each student the the help that they need then I highly recommend this course to you.
Michelle Stokotelny is an amazing teacher who devotes a lot of time and energy to each course she teaches.
The path to development and soul growth are in this direction.
I’ve not regretted taking this course for a minute and I’m really looking forward to level 2.
Love and Peace♥

Giovanna Rossing January 3. 2020
Through The Spirit Guided Path, I have participated in Open Circles, Spirit Guides Course, Mediumship Development Levels 1 and 2; and private mentoring. Through it all, Michelle is a compassionate mentor and teacher who connects with you on a personal level.

Michelle encourages you through the training by understanding your individual abilities, goals, and challenges. She provides detailed course work that supports the dedication that one is to have in this type of development.

Once you have completed your courses, Michelle continues to be a confidant that guides and encourages you throughout your spiritual development journey. I am honoured to have Michelle as a mentor and on my path of spiritual growth.
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