Spirit Guides Course Testimonials

What students are saying about the Spirit Guides Course:

Siu-Fung Lee says:
November 26, 2013 at 2:28 am
Michelle was a wonderful teacher, and that’s that! Her abilities and expertise made what was seemingly a straightforward course into something very enlightening and fulfilling. For a beginner such as myself, her ability to help the class focus their spiritual energy was the push I needed. I believe many of my classmates felt the same way. It was a great and humbling experience. Many thanks, Michelle

 June Noble says:
November 26, 2013 at 7:34 am
I first registered for this course because it sounded interesting and intriguing. It turned out to be MUCH more than that. Michelle is a talented, knowledgeable and enthusiastic teacher who gives her all for her students. Her own spirit guides were instrumental in evolving the course as we went along and so added to the magic and fun of the whole experience. If you’re wanting to find out about spirit guides and significantly increase your chances of meeting them, while at the same time having fun, then this is for you. Did you ever think you’d be taught by spirit? We didn’t, but we were. I am so grateful to Michelle for this course and for helping me to meet quite a few of my own guides. Thanks again Michelle, you rock!

 Tracey Thomson says:
November 26, 2013 at 8:09 am
Wow, what a journey! One of discovery, joy and thanks. I knew nothing of my spirit guides before, and know heaps now. this course was a wonderful experience to meet like minded people, and Michelle is a wonderful teacher, very supportive and explains everything so well. She never tires of answering our questions. If you are wondering whether to do this course then wonder no more- you must do it!

 Denise Stolte Dopp says:
November 26, 2013 at 4:10 pm
Incredible!! Michelle brings magic to learning! I have never experienced anything like this before. It has been truly life-changing! She is a great teacher, with unmatched humility and compassion. I look forward to future classes!

  Andrea Manning says:
November 26, 2013 at 5:02 pm
I decided to take the Spirit Guides course, as I was very curious to learn more about them and their role in my life. I had no idea how fantastic and life-changing this course would prove to be! Not only did we learn (in great detail) about our guides, roles of guides and guide training – I’m now able to communicate with my guides. When I am posed with an issue, it is now logical for me to think “hey, I’m going to talk to my guides about this”. Michelle is a born teacher! Very knowledgeable, very patient, very informed. I cannot recommend this course or this instructor enough.

 Pat Shipton says:
November 26, 2013 at 6:25 pm
I took this class hoping it would help me with another class, it that and so much more. Michelle teaches in such a loving and giving way it is easy and fun to learn Her own guides were very involved in the whole process, and to me that was just magical and so much more than I could ever have hoped for. This is a class I would recommend to anybody hoping to progress down the spiritual path. This is where you will learn so much about your Guides and about yourself also. It is always conducted with love and gratitude, I wish it could go on forever. If you are at all hesitant, don’t be. You will grow and learn so much from the best teacher I have ever come across.

 Debbie Condon says:
November 27, 2013 at 2:07 pm
I highly recommend this course to everyone!
Taking this course was one of the best decisions I’ve made for the continuation of my spiritual growth and path. With so many books, websites, courses, classes and teachers to choose from, Medium Michelle Stokotelnys’ class is by far the most informative, interactive, enlightening and empowering choice anyone could make. Medium Michelle graciously and lovingly opens up the world of Spirit Guides to her students and shares her knowledge which shows her own lifetime of dedication to her own spiritual path. I now know that I was “guided” to take this course and I want to thank Medium Michelle Stokotelny and my fellow classmates for sharing with me such a life enhancing experience.

Naomi says:
November 28, 2013 at 9:11 pm
I’m thrilled with how far i have come with my guides & how much more of a closer connection i have to each of them now which was my goal for taking the course :)
I have learnt & grown so much! Best decision i have ever made was to take the Spirit Guides Course and i am just looking forward to your up & coming classes too.
Michelle is an amazing loving person & teacher, I’m so blessed to have been put in your path!!!
Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart

  Christie says:
December 6, 2013 at 10:07 am
I went into this course really unsure of where it would lead me. I had a bit of knowledge about Spirit Guides but Michelle’s lessons and exercises completely blew me away. People use the word “life changing” with great abandon, but that is truly how I feel about this course. My life is exponentially better at the end of this course. I now know several of my guides quite closely and have felt overwhelming, unconditional love from them.

Michelle is such a gentle and wise teacher. Her relationship with her own guides is amazing and beautiful to watch. Her passion for the class material is apparent in every session. She has given us so many incredible gifts, we are blessed to have learned from her.I look forward to many future classes with Michelle. If you have any interest at all in working with Spirit, Michelle is a wonderful guide. Thank you Michelle <3

 Kate says:
February 2, 2014 at 8:00 pm
Amazing course, very worthwhile. Michelle takes you on a journey that not only helps you meet and learn about your spirit guides, but you also learn a great deal about yourself in the process. I am still working with my guides and applying the lessons that Michelle taught me, during the course, to continue my communication with them. I am very grateful for learning how to connect with my guides and knowing they are a part of my journey here has enriched my life. Michelle does everything with love in her heart and a joy that is simply lovely to be a part of and experience. I happily recommend this course to you.
Many Blessings, Michelle xoxo

Helen Dawson says:
February 17, 2014 at 12:49 pm
Michelle is a fantastic mentor puts a lot of hard work in to the courses with of written work from herself she really cares about the people she is teaching her meditations are wonderful . I work in spiritualist churches I have been a medium for over 30years and I learned a lot from this course and would recommend it to everyone that is interested in getting to know there guides more or meeting new guides it really is worth taking this course she is a wonderful teacher that has some wonderful guides herself.

 Stacey Innes says:
February 18, 2014 at 1:38 pm
I was given this course as a Christmas present from two good friends. I truly enjoyed it. Michelle is i great teacher and so are her own guides. I feel I took away so much from this course i a shall continue to strengthen my connecting with my guides by following what we were taught class. Every week i looked so much forward to being in her classroom and seeing what we were going to learn next. This is a course i highly recommend and its taught with love.

Scott Noble says:
March 24, 2014 at 4:32 am
I decided to take the Spirit Guides course, as I was very curious to learn more about them and their role in my life. This is a truly amazing course, very worthwhile. Michelle takes you on a journey that not only helps you meet and learn about our guides, roles of guides and guide training, but you also learn a great deal about yourself in the process. Michelle is an amazing teacher who delivers the course with great passion and works with her own guides who are instrumental in evolving the course as we went along and this added to the magic of the whole experience. I am still working with my guides and applying the lessons that Michelle taught me, during the course, to continue my communication with them.
I am looking forward to future classes with Michelle. If you are interested at all in working with spirit, I would highly recommend you take this course and allow Michelle to guide you. <3

Tru says:
November 18, 2014 at 11:34 pm (Edit)
I took this course because I wanted to connect with my guides more. Wow I not only connected with them but learnt to feel the different sensations physically that each guide brings forth with them. Michelle is an incredible teacher and you come away with a totally different understanding of your spiritual path and just how incredibly close your guides are to you! Thank you again Michelle. I totally recommend doing this course.

 Ginger says:
November 18, 2014 at 11:44 pm
This course is nothing short of amazing! Michelle is a wonderful teacher, interacting with her own Spirit Guides as she leads the class. She not only explains the different roles your Guides play in your life, she also helps you to meet them and begin interacting with them on a conscious level. Michelle is fully invested in making sure her students get the most out of the class as possible, making herself available to students for questions whenever they may come up. One of the best parts of this class is when you realize that you have been interacting and working with your Guides your whole life, you just never realized it before now!
I highly recommend this course to anyone who is considering taking it, you will not be disappointed!

Kelli Poppe-Havel says:
November 21, 2014 at 12:43 pm
When I decided to take Michelle’s Spirit Guides course, I really had no idea what to expect nor did I honestly have any idea what it was exactly that I was looking for. All I knew for sure was that what I had known and thought I believed and understood just didn’t seem to resonate with me anymore and all that used to work for me just wasn’t working for me anymore either. I was lost and seeking answers to questions I didn’t know to ask, and when I began reading about our Spirit Guides and the role they play in our lives; I was intrigued to learn more about how to consciously communicate with them and make this an active part of my faith walk as well. The journey this course took me on was a road to discovery, enlightenment, and unbeknownst to me and beyond my wildest expectations, healing. Michelle’s ability to teach surpasses any other I have been privileged to be in a classroom with; her compassion, love and genuine enthusiasm for her students to gain a working knowledge and understanding is indescribable. She goes above and beyond, from her heart, and gives her students a life-changing experience that will become a part of your destiny. I would most definitely, without hesitation, give my highest recommendation to taking this course! Absolutely incredible, amazing experience! Blessings. xoxo

Douglas says:
November 21, 2014 at 3:16 pm
I can’t recommend anyone more than Michelle for her work on spirit guides, as she is very attune with her guides and is happy to pass on her knowledge. The skype sessions are great fun, the majority of courses available on the internet are correspondence based and do not include live classes from the teacher, this is what sets Michelle’s course apart and her enthusiasm and love really energises each live class. There are a couple of surprises too in the course which can change your life :) She is on hand throughout the course if you have any questions or need any help with the homework. But the most important thing is it starts you off on a route to be closer to your guides, to feel they are there and have a more secure and trusting future. There is no better value for money course than this!

Chris Thompson
December 1, 2014 at 7:12 pm
I loved this Spirit Guide course. I cannot recommend this class or Michelle enough. I have definitely become more in touch with my guides. I am sorry to see it end! This course is life changing. Michelle makes it fun and easy to learn. If you are interested in learning more about you guides, you will not be disappointed taking Michelle’s class. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. <3

 Barbara Reid says:
January 21, 2015 at 9:46 pm
I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to take the Spirit Guide course with Michelle. I have learned so much about my guides and been able to connect with them in depth, in a way I never thought possible. Michelle is a wonderful teacher, full of compassion, love and kindness, and is extremely knowledgeable. She has a unique way of teaching with her spirit guides, and I highly recommend her classes to anyone who is wanting to learn about anything spiritual. Thank you so much Michelle, I do appreciate everything that you have taught me.

Clayton Rokosh  recommends The Spirit Guided Path. November 26, 2019

I’ve had the amazing opportunity to learn from such a exceptional psychic medium and teacher.

When I met Michelle for the first time, the very first thing I noticed was how different she is compared to pictures of her. In my opinion? She’s WAY prettier in person, pictures don’t do her as much justice. Way tinier than expected too, which was also a lovely surprise!

My expectations were also completely shattered when I chit-chatted with her! I expected that she was going to be this nilly frilly spiritual person, who would talk in riddles and rhymes.

Instead…? I was chit-chatting with a VERY down-to-earth young woman, yet carried a seemingly ENDLESS AMOUNT of wisdom, intelligence, integrity, humility, humour and of course, patience!

Lots and LOTS of patience. When I attended her open-circles, it was like I had my hand held. Safe, comfortable and encouraging…what more qualities would you need from any teacher?

Her spirit guide course was ALSO very insightful. I learned a gargantuan amount of information about spirit guides to the point where, I wasn’t aware of ANY of it. I’ve taken many courses from other teachers, listening to endless amounts of videos on YouTube and Gaia…

You can’t learn what I learned from Michelle in the most easiest and enjoyable ways…from anyone else. I know this, because I’ve learned from many sources.

If you’re still uncertain whether you want to have a reading from Michelle or to learn from her…

Then I would highly HIGHLY suggest to read other people’s reviews on her Facebook page and feel it out. Listen to your intuition and get a vibe from the countless others who’ve been with Michelle.

Thanks for listening! 😊

Lynda Jansen-Mills  November 24, 2019
I loved the class. I learned a lot and enjoyed coming. You are a great teacher Michelle, and I am looking forward to taking the mediumship 1 class.

Clara Baricz November 24, 2019
Okay, so I will offer a few comments of feedback now and may add more quietly later! I understand the value in others hearing about our learning experiences! Michelle, you are an incredible Teacher! I appreciate the structure you offer in a realm that doesn’t necessarily ‘feel structured!’ For me, the framework has been important! You are genuine in your interest in helping us grow, and you encourage us in our risk taking when the timing is right! I have enjoyed all of my learning and am excited for the next class series!

Giovanna Rossing January 3, 2020
Through The Spirit Guided Path, I have participated in Open Circles, Spirit Guides Course, Mediumship Development Levels 1 and 2; and private mentoring. Through it all, Michelle is a compassionate mentor and teacher who connects with you on a personal level.

Michelle encourages you through the training by understanding your individual abilities, goals, and challenges. She provides detailed course work that supports the dedication that one is to have in this type of development.

Once you have completed your courses, Michelle continues to be a confidant that guides and encourages you throughout your spiritual development journey. I am honoured to have Michelle as a mentor and on my path of spiritual growth.

Sharon S. March 5, 2021
I took Michelle’s Connection with Spirit Guides. I found this course far exceeded my expectations. Michelle sends out handouts with assignments. She is very open to answer questions or offer feedback. Between each session we’ve had time to practice with our guides. I feel I now have the tools to build a stronger connection with my guides as we work together. I would highly recommend her classes.

Deborah Chornick July 2023
I loved this course. The content and assignments were very helpful in helping to figure out who my spirit guides are.   What is even more awesome is how the confidence builds as time goes on.  If you continue to practice what is taught here you will soon get to know when one of your guides has something to say to you.  (And what they’re trying to say) Now, when I sit down to prepare for my Kundalini practice, I can feel my team swoop in as I bow and say ‘Sat Nam’ (hello) to each one. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to learn from Michelle. Such an inspirational and thorough teacher.

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