Weekday Intuitive Development

This is a weekly practice for anyone who would like to join us from 12:30pm-1:30pm CDT (1:30pm EDT/10:30am PDT) for meditation, grounding practices, intuitive development and more! Take a break during your busy day for a little mindfulness, while also gaining knowledge and experience with your own intuitive abilities! We will meet online via Zoom, and you can join in at any time, without worrying if you have missed something, as each session will be different and unique. 

 We meet on Wednesdays beginning at 12:30pm Central Time. You have the option to buy multiple class passes, or to enjoy dropping in when you have time. You won’t be charged if you miss a session, so if you purchase a 10 class pass, you can use it over the next several weeks or months, depending on your schedule! This is perfect for those who want to connect more deeply with themselves while developing a practice that helps to reduce stress, but also need a more flexible schedule due to their busy lives.

(in CAD)

Drop In: $15 / session
5 Class Pass: $12 / session ($60)
10 Class Pass: $10 / session ($100)
15 Class Pass: $8 / Session ($120)

Passes do not expire, for as long as these sessions run!

You can either PayPal.me or send an E-Transfer to

Be sure you include your email address so you can receive
registration confirmation along with the Zoom link!


© 2024 The Spirit Guided Path